For the record, Sarah Palin is not Hillary Clinton. And neither is she a model.
To the right, you see a picture of the Overstock.com model Sabine Ehrenfeld. That's why this post is entitled "Not Sarah Palin." Sarah Palin is the governor of Alaska, and there are rumors she is on the short list for McCain's VP pick. Not credible rumors, mind you, but this is the right-wing blogosphere we're talking about.
I found this picture on the following blog:
... which also has placed Gov. Palin in Alabama instead of Alaska. And is asking "So, is this the face of the next candidate for Vice-President of the United States?" That's an easy question to answer, considering Ms. Ehrenfeld is unlikely on McCain's veepstakes list. Although a "McCain taps Ehrenfeld" headline might elicit some snickers, it's even less likely than McCain picking Gov. Palin.
Keep on keepin' on, right wing blogosphere!
Some say Palin would be a good VP choice because Hillary supporters would flock to a McCain/Palin ticket, just to see a woman VP. Whatwhatwhat-now? If you need anything to prove to you what a low (and confused) opinion Republicans have of female voters and Hillary supporters, look no further than the Sarah Palin for VP supporters.
Back in the real world:
Hillary Clinton made it clear last night that she's supporting Barack Obama and you should, too. I was especially impressed with her references to people she met on the campaign trail. She took that familiar stump speech rhetoric and turned it into support for Obama by asking the Democrats to decide whether the campaign was about her or about the people she met on the trail who would certainly suffer under a dangerous McCain presidency that would be as risky as four more years of our current Republican leadership. Do we want to turn from the perilous course our country has been on for 8 years? If not, Hillary clearly gave her answer: Obama.
Hillary is on board. And tonight we'll see Bill throw his support behind this effort in typical fashion.
And the country will see a unified Democratic Party. To withstand the strength of the democrats pulling in one direction, the Republicans are going to need more than the Overstock.com model.